Saturday, June 21, 2008

NLCSO.. That's a Wrap

Well MN FFA, it's late on a Friday night. What exciting way am I spending my time? Doing laundry of course! We just returned from Aurora, NE and National Leadership Conference for State Officers. The thirteen of us (minus Trevor who was at WLC) headed down south (relatively speaking) for a very moving few days in the corn husker state.

The week in Nebraska positively flew by. We arrived Monday night after 9 hour trip which included a rousing game of My Cows and a supper stop in Norfolk, NE, birthplace of Johnny Carson. By Tuesday, we were ready to start the conference. It was presented by two national officers, Brady Revels and Kari Boettcher. Both were incredibly energetic, caring, and passionate and made the week very useful. I think I picked up a trace of Brady's southern accent and finally found my match in water volleyball skills (or lack there of) in Kari.

The theme this year was "Discover the Rhythm" and boy-oh-boy did that ever fit our team well. We are a bunch of music lovers so the catchy tunes and drumsticks made the conference a lot of fun. Over the next few days, we grew as a team through a variety of sessions focusing on things from overcoming conflict to current agricultural issues. Learning along side us were the state officer teams from Kansas, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Meeting these incredibly talented individuals was inspiring as well as a lot of fun!

Now we are moving forward to the meat and potatoes of our summer and our first real chance to put all of this great info from BLAST Off and NLCSO to use. Tomorrow (I guess it's technically today) we will meet up in St. Paul to finish our final camp preparations. Sunday we will head up to Deep Portage to set up and Monday is the start of State Greenhand Leadership Camp.

Much more will be coming from camp!! See you there!

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