Wednesday, August 6, 2008


After many trips to the Twin Cities, Up North, and even out of state, finally an event in my own backyard! FarmFest is held near Redwood Falls, MN which is only about 30 miles away from my house. Derek, Caitlin, Justin, Pete, and I, along with Ms. Val Aarsvold took the day to learn about the heart and soul of the agricultural industry from many groups like the Soybean Growers, Corn Growers, and Farm Bureau. We also had a chance to share our message about Agricultural Education and the FFA through numerous conversations. I always enjoy these sort of visits to really get in touch with the industry that we, as FFA members, represent. Though it was a little warm in Official Dress, it was a lot of fun to have people come up to us and tell stories of their days in the Blue Jacket. We even had some time to spend at the University of MN booth, playing an ag knowledge game. We got to ask a lot of people to come spin the wheel and win a prize or take a picture with Goldie! The day ended with an auctioneer contest where Justin came away with first prize out of a pretty talented group! For those of you who saw his skills at SGLC and SLCCL, you're not surprised!

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